7 Herbal Remedies Can Help You To Treat Kidney Stones

Kidney stones can be a very painful experience and this article is design to give you some ideas on how to prevent and treat kidney stones.

Kidney stones start when minerals and other substances in over concentrated urine form crystals on your kidneys. 

These crystals can combine to form small, hard masses, or stones. Most kidney stones pass into your bladder without causing any permanent damage, but some cause excruciating pain, while others need surgery.

Symptoms About Kidney Stones 

You can have kidney stones without experiencing symptoms. If you do have signs, it probably means that there is a blockage. Here are some of the common symptoms:

  • Intense pain that can vary in intensity over periods of five to 15 minutes. 
  • Cloudy, bloody, or foul-smelling urine 
  • Nausea and vomiting
  •  Persistent urge to urinate 
  •  Fever and chills

How To Prevent Kidney Stones 

There are lots of things that you can do that will prevent your risk of getting kidney stones. Many of these involve simply making a few lifestyle changes.

There are 4 Kidney Stones Types 

- Calcium Stones: about four out of five kidney stones are calcium stones. These stones are mainly combinations of calcium and oxalate. Oxalate occurs naturally in some fruits and vegetables.

- Struvite Stones: struvite stones are almost always the result of chronic urinary tract infections. Women have struvite stones more often than men. They come from an increased amount of ammonia in the urine, which then turn into struvite stones. They are often large, and are a horn shape that can seriously damage your kidneys.

- Uric Acid Stones: these stones are formed of uric acid, a byproduct of protein metabolism. You're more likely to develop uric acid stones if you've undergone chemotherapy, you eat a highprotein diet or you have certain genetic factors that predispose you to the condition.

- Cystine Stones: very few people get cystine stones. They’re usually a result of a hereditary disorder. This disorder causes the kidneys to excrete a lot of certain amino acids (cystinuria).

Herbal Remedies To Treat Kidney Stones 

This last set of tips will go over some herbal remedies  that have been useful in relieving kidney stones.

Magnesium Citrate: studies have shown that low magnesium intake can mean high risk for kidney stones. Taking magnesium supplements may not only prevent stones from forming, but it can decrease the size of an existing stone. A good dose is 500 mg daily.

Vitamin B-6:  researchers have found that a vitamin B-6 deficiency tends to increase urinary oxalate, which may then lead to kidney stones. A good dose is 25 mg per day.

Vitamin A: foods rich in vitamin A have been known to treat and prevent kidney stones. Some of these foods include: • Apricots • Broccoli • Cantaloupe • Pumpkins • Squash.

Gravel Root: gravel root is used for many things, including kidney stones. It also helps with the following conditions: • Urinary infections • Prostatitis • Pelvic inflammatory disease • Rheumatism • Gout.

Khella:  Khella has been treating kidney stones for a long time. Research has shown that the khella relaxes ureter tissue, allowing smaller stones to pass easier. 

Seven Barks: seven barks is an herb that has a sedative effect on the urinary system. It helps the system to relax, making kidney stones easier to pass through.

Stone Root: stone root is a strong diuretic that has a history of helping kidney stones pass as well as preventing any more from forming. 

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