Stop Snoring Exercise Program - 5 Reasons It Is Not Stopping Your Snoring

Stop Snoring Exercise Program - 5 Reasons It Is Not Stopping Your Snoring

By Daniel Agbetorwoka

To achieve the best result from your stop snoring exercise program there are a number of factors that you need to bear in mind. Here some of these factors for you to consider.

First, you need to understand the cause of your snoring. There are many reasons why people snore. Some of the causes of snoring include allergies, which could cause nasal congestion and lead to your snoring. If an allergy is the cause, then a snoring exercise program may not be the best snoring solution for you.

Secondly, being overweight can also cause snoring. If you have excess fat around your throat area, these fatty tissues will constrict your air passage, causing you to snore. The aim of a stop snoring exercise program is to strengthen and tone up the muscles in your jaw and neck areas. If the muscles are toned up it reduces the constriction in your air passage. If you are using a stop snoring exercise program, then bear in mind that the exercise can only be effective if you combine it with another exercise to also reduce your whole body weight.

My advice for you is you cannot achieve the best results with a program if you have excess fat on other parts of your body. The only way to achieve the best result from your stop snoring exercise program is to combine the program with additional efforts to reduce fat on other parts of your body. While you are using your program, you can combine it with exercise regimes such as walking and swimming.

Another cause of snoring is smoking. As you probably know by now, smoking can damage the linings of your airway. It affects the tissues and they become swollen, irritating your trachea and causing congestion in your airway. The force of the air in the congested airway causes the vibration, which is known as snoring. If your goal is to prevent your snoring, you must stop smoking. If you do not give up smoking, no exercise program will be able to prevent your snoring.

Probably, you are aware that sleeping pills are muscle relaxants. Sleeping pills are not going to help you to solve your snoring problem, they will make it worse. If you are considering using a snoring exercise program, then the first step you have to take before you start is to stop taking sleeping pills or herbal remedies that can induce sleep.

Do you drink alcohol at night? Alcohol relaxes the muscles just as sleeping pills do. It will be inconceivable to expect to stop snoring if you continue to drink alcohol especially at night. The best advice to overcome your snoring problem is you must try not to drink alcohol at least four hours before you retire to bed at night.

Now you know why you are not getting the best result that you wanted with your stop snoring exercise program. Stop snoring exercises are very effective ways to overcome snoring but they are not effective for the five reasons that I mentioned.

Stop snoring exercise program [] is one of the most effective ways to stop snoring. Daniel Agbetorwoka has given you more tips on how to stop your snoring. You can get a FREE copy of his book on how to stop snoring by visiting: []

3 Minutes Exercises That Muffled My Horrendous Snoring And Sleep Apnea Treat Your Snoring In Three Steps
