Your Hemorrhoid Symptoms Can Disappear With Proper Treatments and Cures

Your Hemorrhoid Symptoms Can Disappear With Proper Treatments and Cures

By James Comer

Hemorrhoids are enlarged veins in the anus and rectum. They resemble varicose veins that occur on the leg. When irritated, hemorrhoidal veins may itch, burn, or bleed and cause painful swelling in the surrounding membranes. Hemorrhoids are frequently caused by straining during a bowel movement, heavy lifting, childbirth, severe coughing, and constant sitting. Millions of Americans suffer from hemorrhoids, often unaware that they have them until they start to experience pain or protrusions. The symptoms associated with hemorrhoids can be treated with topical medications such as hemorrhoid creams, changes in lifestyle and eating habits, or in extreme cases surgically removed.

Hemorrhoids can arise internally or externally. Internal hemorrhoids are deep in the rectum and may go undetected until they bleed or protrude, causing severe pain. Internal hemorrhoids are also known as prolapsed hemorrhoids and require prompt treatment to avoid more severe complications. There is a grading scale used to determine the severity of internal hemorrhoids. Grade one is the least severe and is described as mild distention. Grade two is protrusion of the hemorrhoid during a bowel movement that spontaneously reduces on its own. Grade three is a protrusion during a bowel movement that must be manually pushed back in. Grade four is a completely prolapsed hemorrhoid that cannot be reduced and the inner lining of the rectum is also starting to prolapse.

External hemorrhoids tend to get the most attention due to their unpleasant symptoms. The painful burning itch requires prompt treatment. Cut off from the supply of blood, external hemorrhoids can develop clots and become painfully thrombosed.

Fortunately, hemorrhoids can usually be controlled by practicing a healthy lifestyle and simple medical treatments. Hemorrhoids have a tendency to recur once the rectal veins have become enlarged. Much less straining is required to have a recurrence of hemorrhoids than it took to develop them initially. Finding the cause of your hemorrhoids is the first step. Treatment of hemorrhoids is pointless if you don't eliminate the cause of the problem. Straining due to constipation is the source of most hemorrhoids. Keeping stools soft is the best way to avoid straining during a bowel movement. Regular exercise and healthy eating habits are the best preventative measure you can take but if all else fails, you must seek treatment right away. Hemorrhoids that cause mild discomfort in the morning could become excruciatingly painful by evening.

Treatment of hemorrhoids consists of first eliminating the symptoms and secondly, shrinking the hemorrhoids. Pain medication can be used to reduce the aching, but topical hemorrhoid creams and suppositories are best to stop the burning and itching. Sitting in a warm shallow bath several times a day should be helpful in both reducing burning itch and reducing the size of the hemorrhoid. A bulk fiber laxative or stool softener will make bowel movements more comfortable and eliminate straining. Be sure to cleanse the rectal area thoroughly with warm water after each bowel movement. Pain relievers like naproxen sodium contain anti-inflammatory ingredients to lessen pain and swelling and the application of a hemorrhoid cream containing hydrocortisone is effective for further reducing the itch, burning, and swelling. Fast, aggressive treatment should improve hemorrhoids in two to three days, but several weeks of treatment may be needed to completely calm the hemorrhoids.

If you cannot successfully treat your hemorrhoids at home, consult a physician immediately. More serious conditions like bowel infection or inflammatory bowel disease can cause symptoms similar to hemorrhoids and need professional treatment to prevent serious complications. Thrombosed hemorrhoids also require immediate medical attention. These hemorrhoids feel like a hard growth in the anus and are black or purple in color. They cause severe pain and your physician can make a small incision to remove the clot and eliminate bulging and pain instantly. Left untreated, thrombosed hemorrhoids can take weeks to go away.

Certain herbal ingredients have been found to be helpful in lessening the symptoms of hemorrhoids, as do medicated pads containing witch hazel.

In certain cases, surgical removal of hemorrhoids may become necessary. Prolapsed internal hemorrhoids can be treated with ligation. Ligation is performed in your physician's office where the hemorrhoid is bound with a rubber band to cut off the blood supply. The hemorrhoid then dries up and falls off on its own. Sclerotherapy is the injection of a hardening agent directly into the hemorrhoid, which will also cut off the blood supply causing the hemorrhoid to shrivel. A hemorrhoidectomy is usually reserved for large and extremely painful hemorrhoids. This procedure must be performed in a hospital and requires a short recovery period before the patient will be able to return home. Possible complications associated with a hemorrhoidectomy are severe postoperative pain, bleeding, short-term incontinence, difficulty urinating, or urinary tract infection. The benefits of the surgery outweigh the possibility of complications, which occur in only a small percentage of patients.

If treatment of your hemorrhoids at home has been unsuccessful or the problem disappears only to return or worsen, then you should see your physician, especially if you have other symptoms such as weight loss or blood in the stool. Surgical procedures and external treatments will be ineffective unless you prevent the cause of the hemorrhoids with changes to your diet and exercise habits.

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