Exercise For Belly Fat - 3 Exercises For Belly Fat That You Can Start With Today

Exercise For Belly Fat - 3 Exercises For Belly Fat That You Can Start With Today

By Erick Ndege

Exercises for belly fat are those workouts that target your belly area more than other parts of your body. If you have a big belly, your other body parts are most likely to be overweight too. Excess fat from our bodies is usually stored around the stomach (belly) and buttocks tool. fat belly has some dangers and some of them include:

  • Excess unwanted bulk and weight on your body especially on the mid section
  • Belly fat cells releases toxic fatty acids into your blood stream
  • Belly fat increases the risk of developing diabetes by making it hard for your body to process insulin
  • Belly fat may increase the chances of certain types of cancer as the fat cells release toxic secretions into the liver and the heart
  • Strokes and heart attacks-The cells from the excess fat on your fat belly interfere with the body's vital organs
  • May increase stress levels and high blood pressure too and this is due to the hormone called cortisol which fat cells secrete

I am going to tell you the how to exercise for belly fat so that you can reduce it or eliminate it, But I want you to know that in order to see and achieve tremendous results, you have to be disciplined by exercising regularly and eating a proper diet. You don't have to go to the gym in order to lose your belly fat. You can do these exercises at home and some even at your back yard if you have one. So what are these stomach burning and ab exercises?

Prisoner Squat -10 Repetitions

One of the easiest ways to exercise for belly fat reduction. You can do this exercise at home or outside on the grass. Stand with your feet spread apart greater than your shoulder width. Put both hands behind your head, keep your elbows back and shoulder blades pulled together in order to work the upper part. Slowly start your workout movement at the hip joint. Push hips backward and sit back into a chair. Keep in mind that in this case you don't have a chair. You are just assuming a position of a chair when doing this exercise. When you push your hips back, you put yourself in the position of a chair, like you are sitting. Make sure your hips go back as far as possible. Squat as deep as you can while your lower back remains straight and in a neutral position. be very careful so that you don't hurt your back. Do not round your lower back. Return to the initial or start position by pushing your glutes, hamstrings and quadriceps. Don't do this workout fast, do it slowly and smooth.

Elevated Pushups -5 Repetitions Each Side

With this exercise, you need to use an aerobic step. These are regular pushups but elevated to give you the maximum results.Keep your body in a straight position from the knees to the shoulders on a flat floor. Place the left hand on the ground and the other hand higher on top of the aerobic step. Your hands should be a little bit wider than your shoulder width apart. Lower your whole body down to about 2 inches off the ground. Push through the chest, your shoulders and triceps to return to the initial position. Make sure that your body is straight when you are performing this exercise at all times. Repeat with the other arm using the aerobic step after you have done all the required repetitions with the other arm elevated.

Quadriceps Stretch

You start this exercise by laying on your right side on a flat surface. Always make sure that the surface in which you are performing these exercises is flat, debris free and nothing is around to cause any injuries. Bring your left ankle back to your buttocks and hold it with your left hand. Keep the knee in line with the hip. When you are in this position, the stretch will be in front of your left leg. You will need to hold for 25 to 35 seconds. After you finish with one side, repeat with the other side too.

Fewer Calories to Lose a Fat Belly

These are some of the easy workouts for stomach fat to help you get started. On top of exercising, you may need to watch what you eat too. Getting in shape and staying healthy does not mean that you only exercise and forget those calories you consume. Eat about 4 to 6 small meals a day. Eating small meals more often will increase your metabolism and speed it up. This will lead to burning of excess body fat and getting a flatter stomach or losing excess stomach fat. Lean meats like chicken breast and turkey are best for you if you are trying to lose belly fat. Green salad or spinach, almonds, apples, green tea,fish and steak are among the foods you should eat more of. Eating these foods while exercising will help you gain muscle and lose weight. In general, eat foods that contain a lot of fibers like vegetables, fruits, beans and almonds. Eggs are good for proteins that is necessary for building muscle but do not eat a lot of them. If you have a lot of belly fat, you may need to eat fewer calories. Adjust accordingly. As a general rule, eat a balanced diet with fewer calories of carbs, proteins and fats. For more resources and information about exercises for belly fat, Visit Here [http://www.homefitnessworkouts.com]

Do you want to get in shape by learning how to exercise for belly? Visit [http://www.homefitnessworkouts.com] to find out ways to lose weight and get a flat stomach. Many people are struggling to reduce belly fat without any success. This kind of fat can be stubborn to remove and it requires discipline, proper diet and the right exercises to eliminate it completely. Stop procrastinating and take action today.

Do This One Unusual 10-Minute Trick Before Work To Melt Away of Belly Fat Unlocks Hormonal Defect To Burn Calories Faster
